
By joining the PTSA, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of the budget.  When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.


Your financial contribution to the RHS PTSA goes a long way in supporting so many of the great programs we have at RHS.


PTSA Membership Fees ($25 for first parent and $15 for second parent/student/faculty member)


Your membership and contributions to Virtual Fundraiser and Other Donations go towards:

unknown.png Weekly Tiger Link e-blast communicating important parent and student related activities at RHS.

unknown.png Access to Members Only Pages like "Let's Talk College: Parent to Parent", tips on the college process from RHS parents like you!

unknown.png Department Excellence Awards & Scholarships for Seniors (PARENT MUST BE A PTSA MEMBER TO BE ELIGIBLE)

unknown.png Mini-grants to faculty, staff and student clubs: many clubs and departments benefit

unknown.png Contributions to Post Grad Party

All donations to the Post Grad Party support a wholesome and safe end-of-high school celebration for our Senior Class on the night of graduation – a free all-night, parent-chaperoned, alcohol-free event, held at the Ridgefield Parks and Rec Center, full of games, activities, food and LOTS OF PRIZES!!

unknown.png Advocacy on behalf of students and family on local, state, and national levels

unknown.png Contribution to Fall & Winter Plays, Spring Musical

unknown.png Hospitality/Appreciation for RHS Staff (Back to School Luncheon, Springtime Brunch, Staff Appreciation Recognitions)

unknown.png Refreshments provided at various school functions (Newcomers Orientation, Open House, Senior Awards Night)

unknown.png Annual Gift to School, such as the bench donation in community entrance foyer.

unknown.png Financial assistance for students in need

unknown.png Contributions to community-wide programs through organizations like Project Resilience and PTA Council of PTAs

unknown.png Student clubs

unknown.png PTSA Infrastructure and its related fixed costs:

  • PTSA communication tools (directory, website, domain name, blast)
  • $7.50 per person to CT PTA for state and national PTA dues (required of all PTAs)
  • Dues to Ridgefield Council of PTAs (all schools)
  • Contribution to Project Resilience speaker series (all schools)
  • Credit card processing fees
  • Accounting fees (preparation of tax return and related filings)
  • Insurance

If I join, do I have to...

  • Go to meetings?
    No. You are welcome to attend our general meetings though. Check our calendar to see the meetings scheduled.

  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?
    Nope! Joining the PTSA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required. However, we need help year round with faculty/staff luncheons, picture day, post grad party, newcomers, and more. Click here to see what volunteer opportunities we offer.


We're here to support you!

If you can't find an answer to your question in our FAQ, please contact us at, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.